Why Should You Vote?

Each year, Biola students have the privilege of voting in a new AS President and Vice President to represent the student body. Instead of exercising their voice, however, students behave apathetically toward elections; 60% of students do not even vote. This is unfortunate, to say the least.

Biola students (ie: YOU) should vote for three reasons:

1) AS is designed to serve you, the student body of Biola University. Voting gives you a chance to help shape AS and help AS more accurately represent the student body. It’s an honor to attend a university that develops student leadership not only theoretically but experientially; AS staff are given the opportunity to lead dozens of organizations around campus (including most ministries, intramural sports, and clubs) and to plan and execute major social events, concerts, and lectures. Voting is one of the best ways to exercise your student voice and show you care about Biola, both next year and for the future.

2) Vote because it’s easy (which is not to be confused with unimportant)…really! Many Americans do not vote simply because they don’t want to be bothered with a trip to the voting booth. This is lame. It is even worse, however, to say you are too busy to make a trip to the fountain. Read the campaign statements from both potential presidential teams (which you can find on facebook and their websites), and when you walk by the fountain next Monday or Tuesday, just take the extra three minutes to stand in line and vote. Another reason Americans do not vote is because they feel their vote doesn’t matter. But your vote does matter. It matters because it allows your voice to be heard. If you want changes at Biola, if you want bigger name speakers or concerts, speak up and tell the people who have the power to get that done!

PLUS, being involved in a campaign is fun. Saying you don’t care about who wins is like going to a sporting event and not caring about who wins. It’s always more fun to pick a side and cheer them on and support them. Voting is one of the easiest ways for you to be involved in the race.

3) Vote because AS is committed to changing lives on campus—AS possesses both the manpower and the resources to have a profound impact on the student body. The candidate you choose has the ability to directly effect your daily life in ways like changing the caf hours, increasing service opportunities, creating leadership positions, extending open hours, bringing in excellent chapel speakers, putting on awesome social events, and granting funding for student projects and clubs. By voting for a presidential team, you are voting for the types of changes you would like to see at Biola. Each team has different priorities—so vote for the team who’s priorities are most in line with the direction you want to see Biola go!

Finally, I would like to tell you why I am voting for NeelyDrebinger. Lizzie and John are concerned with utilizing AS to meet the needs of the student body. One of the ways they show this is through their personalized t-shirts that are uniquely designed by each wear-er to show their God-given talents and foster community. Furthermore, NeelyDrebinger’s desire for Biola to respond together is essential to the development of the Christian life. After 30 units of Bible classes at Biola, I have often questioned how might all the factual knowledge actually impact my life? NeelyDrebinger desires to add action to knowledge and increase the opportunity for Biolans to serve both locally and globally.

Friends, as Christians, we are to embark on a journey that starts in our hometown (Jerusalem) and proceeds onward toward the larger community (Samaria) and to the ends of the earth. Neely Drebinger’s desire to have Biola lead, serve, and respond together is a way to support this Christian mandate. If you want to see lasting, sustainable impact to Biola’s community, I would encourage you to vote NeelyDrebinger.

-Chris Munekawa & Danielle Howe

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